We’re here to tell you what we know, but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider about your specific health concerns.
Red, dry, and flaky skin are typically temporary side effects of this anti-aging powerhouse.
Aging is a natural process, but these skincare tips can help you delay the appearance of its visible signs.
Your medical provider may prescribe this antibiotic to help treat certain skin conditions.
What experts have to say about Rhode Skin, a popular new celebrity skincare line.
This post-breakout condition might be just as frustrating as the breakout itself. Luckily, you can help prevent it from developing.
If your skin’s oily and dry, these cleansers may be an ideal choice for you.
Why your breakouts might not benefit from vitamin B7.
This popular fermented drink is a powerful source of antioxidants.
Skin health is one big (and fascinating!) biological balancing act.
Surprise: Petroleum jelly may help seal in moisture.
Breakouts can impact the way you feel about yourself—but they don’t have to ruin your day if you don’t let them.
These skincare steps will help you achieve a soft, smooth look.