Information on how health, wellness, environment, and lifestyle influences your skin.
We’re here to tell you what we know, but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider about your specific health concerns.
Foods that cause acne.
How to avoid food that causes pimples.
The truth about dairy, fat, soy, and more.
It’s important to take care of your skin all over—not just your face. Here’s how.
Coarse wrinkles above the lips can be tough to treat, but there are proven treatments that can help.
No animals were harmed in the making of our products!
There’s more to armpit care than regular deodorant application!
Your astrological outlook + skin tips for your zodiac sign.
Who said girls can’t shred? Certainly not Latosha Stone, founder of Proper Gnar.
Because this summer, we’re living our best lives
Yoga teacher Abiola Akanni gives you essential wellness tips that you can do now
Here’s how you can set your expectations for results when using this hair loss medication.