We’re here to tell you what we know, but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider about your specific health concerns.
Our skincare survey reveals some common misconceptions
What really happens when a pimple gets popped.
Tips for oily skin from a Curology medical provider.
What causes these tiny bumps, and how can you treat them?
Those small black dots on your nose might not be acne after all.
What to keep doing for your skin once your acne clears up.
The real reason you get acne flares when you’re sick.
How to avoid food that causes pimples.
Trying to get rid of pimples fast? Check out these easy remedies.
Can avoiding “bad” foods really help acne?
The right facial should benefit your skin, in addition to helping you feel relaxed.
It all comes down to what works best for you and the type of acne you’re treating.
Whether your skin is acne-prone or not, it’s important to use non-comedogenic makeup products.