We’re here to tell you what we know, but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider about your specific health concerns.
Our skincare survey reveals some common misconceptions
The truth in cold, hard numbers
By Dr. David Lortscher | Dermatologist, surfer, co-founder/CEO of Curology
A hard look at big fat zits.
(Especially when drugstore products fail)
A first-hand account of one woman’s skin transformation with Curology
Changing your perspective on “bad” skin changes everything
Help bid blemish scars goodbye! Tips to help heal skin after acne
How to smooth skin texture after you’ve Cur(ology)ed your acne
The guy’s guide to beard-related acne
Our skincare survey reveals some common misconceptions
Simplicity can save time — and your skin
Hyperpigmentation (aka dark spots) is painless and usually harmless, but there are ways to help reduce its appearance.